型番:Serial Bowl Records - SBR014
"Pure Shite"...「事実は小説よりもクソなり」とでも言いたいのか。Middle "laugh (Life)" Crisis の真っただ中、福岡での生活10年を超えたイギリス人のジョン・ベイツ、彼をはじめとして福岡県在住の外国人を中心に結成された Born Shit Stirrers の4枚のアルバム(うち一枚は親不孝通りgrafで行われたファースト・ギグを丸々収録のライブ盤)を無理矢理ひとまとめにした62曲入アンソロジー。歌詞付ですが、対訳は自主規制?で一部のみ掲載。イギリスのDIYパンクレーベル Serial Bowl Records からのリリース。
1. Gajin Bar
2. Stink Has Started
3. Juns's On Speed
4. Racist Cunt
5. Shut Your Fucking Mouth
6. Rich Malt
7. Aids Cunt
8. The Cane
9. I Hate Pink Floyd
10. Kin Mugi Mother Fucker
11. Cunt
12. I Hate Your Fucking Band
13. Bomb Nakasu
14. Flakes and Arseholes
15. Passive Aggressive
16. Kicked Out Of Kieth Flack
17. Old Cunt
18. Back Off Gajin Scum
19. Daimyo Hipsters
20. Slagged To Death
21. Money's A Sight
22. One Can Wanker
23. Slagging The Cunt
24. You'll Suffer Yet
25. Slow Down
26. Karma
27. You Still Alive Like
28. Aladdin Pain
29. Fanny Grabber
30. Dirty Bastards
31. Half Of What
32. If I Had a Yen
33. Anarchy In The FUK
34. Racist Jap Cunt
35. I Hate Everything
36. Rockstar Wannebes
37. Why Come Japan
38. Volt Brain
39. Mad Max
40. I Hate Pop Punk
41. When Were We Ever Sober
42. Born To Stir The Shit
43. Fucking Disgrace
44. Intro Live
45. Cunt Live
46. If I Had A Yen Live
47. Bomb Nakasu Live
48. Flakes and Arseholes Live
49. Back Of Gajin Scum Live
50. Jun's On Speed Live
51. You Still Alive Live
52. Rockstar Wannabe's Live
53. Why You Come Japan Live
54. Daimiyo Hipsters Live
55. I Hate Pink Floyd Live
56. Slow Down Live
57. The Stink Has Started Live
58. Money's a Sight Live
59. 9 Volt Live
60. Born To Stir The Shit Live
61. Kin Mugi Mother Fucker Live
62. Beef Bologna Live